[Wikipedia-l] Another copyright question

Karen AKA Kajikit kaji at labyrinth.net.au
Thu Jul 18 23:19:43 UTC 2002

Julie Hofmann Kemp wrote:
> Hi all --
> Verlag Bautz, a German printing house, has a totally cool website, the
> "Kirchenlexicon."  It invites contributions, but is also clearly marked
> with a copyright (2001).  My question...are direct translations of
> entire articles, even when credited, fair use?  I'm pretty sure that
> they are not -- I know they wouldn't pass muster at the university copy
> center...
> Opinions?

I would say that the act of translation involves a substantial amount of
rewriting and that for a fact-based article it probably becomes an
entirely new piece if it's translated properly. 

But if you translate a piece of fiction into another language doesn't it
still remain under the original copyright? You can't translate Mien
Kampfh into English and then claim that you own it... 


Karen AKA Kajikit

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