[Wikipedia-l] Plz DOO knot tok 2 Leer NEmore

Julie Kemp juleskemp at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 16:24:23 UTC 2002

Toby and everybody.  Who cares about Lir or what he
espouses?  It's pretty clear that Adam/Bridget/Lir has
burned most of his/her bridges -- let's please just
leave it at that.  He isn't contributing at present
and lurks on the mailing list more to comment than to
try to learn more about the community and how to work
within it, as far as I can tell.  Let's just leave off
on any speculation that would induce a response that's
other than helpful.  It's just too much of a drain on
our e-mail boxes ;-)

Jules, who apologizes for the header, but thinks we
really should try to maintain some orthographical

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