[Wikipedia-l] ISBN links

Axel Boldt axel at uni-paderborn.de
Fri Aug 30 00:53:10 UTC 2002

> I implemented a new system for ISBN links.  Please check
> it out (for example, see "Oliver Goldsmith"), 

I seem to be the only one around here with a visceral hatred for
ISBN numbers, so I suggest the following experiment:

* Go to [[Oliver Goldsmith]]
* Click on the first ISBN, for "The Vicar of Wakefield"
* Click on the first search service, "Addall".

* Now, in a different window, go to www.addall.com
* Do "Search by Title", enter "The Vicar of Wakefield"
* Hit "Find it"

The first search gave you a single book, and in three years it won't
give you anything, because that  book will be out of print. The second
search gave you 44 different editions, from different publishers,
ranging from leather bound to softcover and even an audio edition.


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