[Wikipedia-l] Broken cookies?

Hr. Daniel Mikkelsen daniel at copyleft.no
Thu Aug 22 20:35:23 UTC 2002

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002, Julie Hofmann Kemp wrote:

> Hi all -- just thought I'd mention that my login isn't saving across
> sessions -- don't know if anyone else is having that problem?

I find that it does, for the particular host I'm at, if I specifically turn it
on in preferences. But when I go to another host, it has disappeared again, and
I have to manually turn it on for that host too.

Actually, this suits me fine, since I have two computers where I always like to
be logged on, and a bunch of others where I just drop by.

I don't know if this is the same problem/feature you are encountering. :)

-- Daniel

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