[Wikipedia-l] XMMS is broken and the ogg player got lost

Pierre Abbat phma at webjockey.net
Wed Aug 7 16:07:40 UTC 2002

Skizie, having uploaded a WMA file a few times, seems to have figured out 
that we use Ogg around here and uploaded what may be the same thing in Ogg. 
(I have no way of checking, since I have nothing that reads WMA files.) I 
tried to add it to the playlist, but it wouldn't add, and I found that a 
program oggenc, which is used in a script I wrote many months ago, is 
missing. I have libogg0-1.0-0.beta4.1mdk and 
xmms-oggvorbis-0.0.20000904-12mdk. What do I need to fix XMMS or play Ogg 
files from the command line?

I have a mind to delete the thing anyway, since the images he's uploaded are 


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