Fw: Re: [Wikipedia-l] peace and brainstorms (rant warning)

Guardian Tor guardian-tor at operamail.com
Sat Apr 13 16:01:54 UTC 2002

I accidently sent this to Chuck, rather than the whole list. Oops.

- Stephen G.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Guardian Tor " <guardian-tor at operamail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2002 00:57:46 +0900
To:  <msochuck at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Wikipedia-l] peace and brainstorms (rant warning)

> > I think we need to really plan ahead and figure out
> > how to peacefully defend against this kind of attack
> > without losing too much of our resources as a result. 
> > Imagine if you will that we have our own world (and in
> > a way we do, but stick with me here...) and we accept
> > everybody then what do we do with those who don't
> > follow the community guidelines?
> I popped over to MeatBallWiki (an active wiki devoted to online communities) and solicted some advice. Sunir Shah's response, which is a good one, can be read here: http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl?WikiPedia.
> Also, once again I'll suggest this: Ignore him as much as possible. If he wants to get worked up governence, natural point of view and worst cases, let him... on the meta. If others want to contribute to his projects, grand. I think most of his concerns are simply based on a lack of (and an unwillingness to acquire) understanding of what we're doing here. 
> If he insults you, keep in mind that it is an attempt to get you to respond. So don't do it. Don't try to engage him in reasonable debate; it's already been attempted. Don't make jokes or sarcastic comments about him. Don't post warnings all over the place that he's a troll. If you really, REALLY feel the urge to respond to some insult, misunderstanding or threat, fire up your word processor, compose your response... and then delete it. It might make you feel better. :)
> The only thing we really need to respond to are his contributions to the encyclopedia articles. If he writes anything that is inconsistant with a good, NPOV encyclopedia article, make the necessary changes, and put a brief explanation on the talk page.
> Finally, let's stop discussing 24 on the mailing list and on the wikis.
> If we can do this, I think we'll find that there is no problem at all. 24 can rage all he likes, call us all sorts of vulgar names ("clique", "censors", "non-persons", "Extropians"... ;-). Eventually, he'll either find a less hostile way to participate, or he'll leave.
> -- Stephen Gilbert
> -- 
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