[Wikipedia-l] Target audience

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz kpjas at promail.pl
Sat Apr 21 20:00:45 UTC 2001

Hello Wikipedians,

Please I'd like to know what is the the audience we are targeting.
It is, I think, of vital importance because if I write an article
for Wikipedia about, let's say, brain tumours am I to write for
general public with due simplification or as close to recent
scientific advances as possible ?

Is there a policy on that issue ?
In my opinion it would be inadvisable to produce a mixture of both
because readers/surfers could easily get confused reading closely 
related articles.

Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz, M.D | Oto para idealna, on Amor, ona amoralna. Jan
Czestochowa, Poland ...       | Sztaudynger  
Więcej cytatów : http://www.cytaty.phg.pl

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