<html><body><div>Hey everyone,</div>
<div>Just a quick note to let you know that nominations for the Arbitration Committee elections in July have officially begun. Actually, they began yesterday (sorry!). Anyone can run, and anyone can be nominated. To vote, users need 250 edits in the main namespace, and their first edit must have been made before June 1, 2008. To nominate, go to:</div>
<div><A href="http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/WN:ACE08"><a href="http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/WN:ACE08">http://en.wikinews.org/wiki/WN:ACE08</a></A></div>
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<div>Dodge Story</div>
<div>Journalist, Wikinews</div>
<div><A href="http://www.wikinews.org/" mce_href="http://www.wikinews.org"><a href="http://www.wikinews.org">http://www.wikinews.org</a></A></div>
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<div>I do not represent the Wikimedia Foundation in any way shape or form. I have been accredited by the Wikinews community.</div></body></html>