Hoi,<br>The InScript method for Sanskrit has been introduced on <a href="http://translatewiki.net">translatewiki.net</a>. It needs testing and you can test it by adding to the localisations for the Sanskrit language. As you may know the Narayam extension supports three languages: Malayalam, Bangla and Sanskrit. I understand that Junaid PV is working on documentation that may enable you to understand the Narayam framework.<br>
<br>We would love you to test the input methods for these languages at <a href="http://translatewiki.net">translatewiki.net</a> and we love it when more languages are supported by Narayam.<br>Thanks,<br> GerardM<br>
<a href="http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2011/02/narayam-is-framework-introducing.html">http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2011/02/narayam-is-framework-introducing.html</a><br>