Hoi,<br>Mifos is an initiative of the Grameen Foundation that provides a solid footing for organisations who are involved in micro financing. The aim of the Grameen foundation is that everyone has access to credit at affordable rates. The Mifos initiative supports the administration of the microfinance industry. It is Open Source and it is used in many countries both in Asia and in Africa.<br>
<br>At <a href="http://translatewiki.net">translatewiki.net</a> we support Mifos with its internationalisation and its localisation. A great amount of work has already gone in making this software ready. As the next release of the software is imminent, we are looking for people who can help us with localisation in the languages of Africa, India. <br>
<br>The rally that is needed to make the software ready for use has started and there are signed books to be won for the people who help us make a difference.<br><br>In my blogpost you find more details and background information. <a href="http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/11/mifos-localisation-rally-sprint-at.html">http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/11/mifos-localisation-rally-sprint-at.html</a><br>
<br>Please forward this e-mail if you think you know someone who can help make Mifos relevant for micro finance organisations near you.<br>Thanks,<br> GerardM aka Gerard Meijssen<br>