[Wikimediaindia-l] India Campus Program: Pune Pilot Visit Report: April 20-22

Hisham Mundol hmundol at wikimedia.org
Mon Apr 25 10:14:21 UTC 2011


I visited Pune between April 20-22 as part of a preliminary visit for the India Campus Program - Pune Pilot.  Thank you to everyone who help with their time, inputs and sharing contacts for me to meet.  I'm really grateful.

I've updated my visit report at Pune Pilot Visit Report: Planning: Preliminary Visit: April 20-22, 2011

Do have a look at it.  I've tried to capture the many inputs I got in as concise and actionable a manner as possible. I'd really appreciate any comments you might have.

Many thanks

Hisham Mundol
Wikimedia Foundation India Programs
skype: hisham.wikimedia
gtalk: hmundol at wikimedia.org
twitter: @mundol

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