[Wikimediaindia-l] who is the director of wikimedia india

Bharat Nedungadi bharatnedungadi at yahoo.in
Wed Oct 6 10:40:28 UTC 2010

"The information you pointed out is old and has been duly removed.  I have
sent out a clarification email to the group that I'm in no way related to
the Wikimedia Board."

but your twitter feed as i can see now http://twitter.com/kiruba announces this book was published last week. strange.

still confused mr kiruba shankar. i am sure you are an honest person but if you are not "director" of wikimedia foundation, then why there are so many links on the web that say you are? please google and see for yourself. i checked to see if you have made edits, and you do not seem to have done anything maybe except for some conflict of interest entries. 

just for my personal clarity: you are not a director of wikimedia foundation and never were, you are not associated with wikimedia india, you are not part of the india chapter, you are not a member of the india chapter executive committee and you are not a wikipedia editor. 


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