[Wikimediaindia-l] Integration with OpenStreetMap

Srikanth Lakshmanan srik.lak at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 15:54:03 UTC 2010

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Gerard Meijssen
<gerard.meijssen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hoi,
> I would love to know more. How do GaneshK and Tinucherian create their
> articles, do they use maps, do they have maps with all the Indian places on
> them.. do they have maps with all of them on it.. do they have maps with the
> names in many countries.. including English.. Do they have maps with
> articles and or pictures on them.
> How does this process of translation work for the other Indian languages?
> Is there a plan to translate to English as well ??
> Thanks,
>     GerardM--


Few related points below.

1. As mentioned above by RSrikanth / Sundar, articles for cities / towns
were created by GaneshBot based on census data. Most of them are geocoded i
guess. Recently http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Kumar_Appaiah_Bot was
created to fix coord-missing-articles. Someone can take it up and run
regularly to make coord missing articles count to 0. This is very essential
and acts as a input to Google maps-Wikipedia layer

2. AFAIK very few Indian articles have a map in the article (Ex:-
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Salai  Urdu version of
uploaded into English, but then someone seems to have removed from
English, but looks like a bot translated before that].).This is where
OSM-Wikipedia integration could come very handy.City / Town / even Locality
articles can have an free map from OSM.I have seen this being case with
quite a few articles related to UK.

3. Wikipedia-OSM has a huge scope with WikiProject Indian
Roads<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:INR>. I was trying to get some
OSM tiles generated and add to articles for it
sometime back but dropped it due to lack of time and also thought it would
be a redundant effort if the OSM-Wikipedia integration comes through.

4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coimbatore_Golf_Club has an image of the
golf course map from openstreetmap. Great usage of "free maps" beyond
navigation which can only be possible with OSM !

5. While any little progress helps us, India still has a huge way to go when
it comes to OpenGeoData. Awareness of Openstreetmap has to increase and we
need atleast some decent data available for India(which is sadly available
only for few sq.kms(?) ) before we can actually use OSM data into Indian

6. For folks interested OSM-India community put up this India specific OSM
rendering at http://openstreetmap.org.in -- Where else in the world we can
metered / unmetered / prepaid autos :P

I am not clear on what you are referring as a translation work in the
context of OSM-Wikipedia. Are you referring to the need of the localized
maps OR need of maps of OSM to be on Indic wikis OR localization of OSM
tools like Potalach / JOSM. Thanks.

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