<a href="http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/wikipedias-on-the-wane-study-20090807-ec98.html">http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/wikipedias-on-the-wane-study-20090807-ec98.html</a><br><br>It's a little bit backhanded in it's coverage of the GLAM stuff - complete with Liam's early contended for strangest wiki-quote of the year!<br>
<br>"People who like sausages or obeying the law shouldn't see either being
made, and the same goes for encyclopedias - it's a messy process but
the outcome is good," Wyatt said. ;-)<br><br>I'm curious to hear what role folks would envisage this chapter having in the 'global strategic review' apparently kicking off to discuss the next 5 years for wmf projects?<br>