[Wikimediaau-l] official wiki

Andrew orderinchaos78 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 10:20:23 UTC 2009

2009/12/14 Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt at gmail.com>

> If we hope to get more grassroots involvement in the chapter then IMO we
> cannot force people to pay $40 and register an account before they can
> engage in chapter activities. Volunteers should not be forced to pay money
> to volunteer.

Why is it assumed that "volunteering" == "editing the chapter wiki"? It
seems like a strange argument to me.

We're getting projects happening here in Perth and as far as I know neither
of our other financial members, both of whom are fully entitled to accounts,
have one or have asked for one (if they did we'd certainly enable it, but my
point stands.) Increasingly our future is likely going to be with a majority
of members who support our mission who are not even from a WMF-project
background, and are much more likely to engage with us through social media,
messenger, email, telephone and in person.

Additionally, there isn't enough people involved on the wiki as it is to
justify an argument that more people should be at the table. We have 47
members - if I saw even 10 editing productively, I'd say there could be an
argument for more open involvement. As it is, three already busy committee
members are the main editors.

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