[Wikimediaau-l] 2008-10-25 ctte meeting minutes

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 03:19:19 UTC 2008


Below are the meeting minutes. Disclaimer: If there is an official way
to take minutes, I have not yet learned it, so I just try to record
every useful bit. This is not a promise that all minuters will produce
minutes that look like this. :)

"Officialwiki" refers to our official website (cf. "commwiki" the
private committee wiki). Minutes such as these which are currently
posted to this mailing list will be recorded there, when it is

Regarding chapter reports, following Peter's creation of a drafting
space on meta, I see no reason that we will not draft reports there as
opposed to commwiki. (For no particular reason, this did not occur to
me at the time, but it seems like an obviously good idea.)

Please ask for clarification if anything is not clear.

Brianna  <secretary hat>

    * 1 Memberdb software update
    * 2 Internal access
    * 3 Chapter reports
    * 4 Website update
    * 5 AGM date
    * 6 ABN (and TFN)
    * 7 Accounts software
    * 8 Committee communication
    * 9 AOB

Meeting began: 3.20pm. Chair, minutes: Brianna. Attending: Brianna,
John, Sarah, Nathan, Stephen (came late)

==Memberdb software update==
Brianna began work on installing and configuring this, and recently
John took over. Nathan volunteered to help and will do so in the
coming weeks. The software basically works. More customisation is
needed of the interface and emails. Basic workflow is: (1) Person
signs up on website. Person and Secretary get emailed. (2) Person
confirms their email address from the email. (3) Secretary approves
person by the software interface. Person and Secretary get emailed. We
need to insert the paying-fees step into this. Decided to put payment
details into initial email, and Secretary will only approve members on
confirmation of payment received. Members will be placed on the
announce mailing list for official committee--member communication
(e.g. announcing meetings).

'''Resolution:''' That Wikimedia Australia will accept payments via
electronic bank transfer, bank at post direct deposit, or cheque/money
order sent by post. Cheque/money order are to be sent to Sarah's PO
box until WMAU gets its own post office box.

* Proposed: Brianna
* Seconded: ?
* Carried without dissent

{{action}} John to investigate email notifications for deposits into
our account, to simplify communications on received payments.

The software can also be used to process elections. Once we begin
taking members, we should do a "test" election before the inaugural

We discussed credit card payments and decided for the time being not
to pursue this.

{{action}} Brianna to write up secretary workflow for accepting memberships on

{{action}} Brianna to send a draft of the initial email to the
committee mailing list.

'''Resolution:''' that a private members only mailing list is created

* Proposed: Nathan
* Seconded: John
* Carried without dissent

{{action}} Brianna to set up a discussion list for members with
members-only archives.

{{action}} John to start a wiki page that lists possible uses of funds
that benefit members

==Internal access==
"Internal" refers to a private wiki and mailing list run by WMF used
for staff/board/chapter communication. Typically chapter "board
members" (in our case committee members) have internal access. In our
case this hasn't happened yet because it was thought to make more
sense to wait until after the first real committee was actually
elected. Brianna is a member (for other reasons) and wondered if we
should seek access now, due to increased chapter-related discussion.

It transpired that Nathan is also a member, so actually we have more
than one committee member on internal. We decided at this time to not
seek further access, and leave it for the "real" (elected) committee.

==Chapter reports==
See [[m:Wikimedia chapters/Reports]]. At the April 2008 chapters
meeting (which we did not take part in) it was decided that it would
be worthwhile for chapters to post monthly reports to update each
other on their progress. This idea has been recently revived on
internal. We discussed if monthly reports would be too frequent and
decided that we could begin aiming for monthly reports and switch to
two-monthly if this was more realistic. The committee will
collaboratively draft the report on commwiki and then publish it on
officialwiki, to members and to the chapter-reports mailing list
(which will presumably go to internal).

'''Resolution:''' That the committee will begin monthly reports to
members and chapters-reports, following the draft template provided on

* Proposed: Brianna
* Seconded: John
* Carried without dissent.

==Website update==
As Daniel was not present this item was deferred.

==AGM date==
We discussed early December and mid January as potential AGM dates,
keeping in mind the need to avoid Christmas, exams and the need to
have the agenda set and inform members 14 days beforehand. This
depends partly on how smooth the member signup process runs: if it
runs smoothly and everyone can join who wants to, without problem,
then early December may be possible.

We decided that when we have a decent number of members, say around
30, we can discuss with the membership what dates they prefer. If it
takes only a week to get that many members then early December may be
possible. If it takes longer than a month then probably it will have
to be after New Year.

==ABN (and TFN)==
'''Resolution:''' The committee authorises Brian Salter-Duke, as
public officer to apply for and obtain an Australian Business Number
and Tax File Number from the Australian Taxation Office.

* Proposed: Nathan
* Seconded: Sarah
* Carried without dissent

==Accounts software==
Nathan asked what software will we use for tracking funds. He
suggested the ATO's eRecord program and John said this should be

{{action}} John to update the committee about this next meeting.

==Committee communication==
We talked about trying to have weekly meetings over the next few
weeks, with each committee member trying to attend at least once every
two weeks. This should allow us to reach quorum 4 each time. In
theory. Meetings will continue to be Sunday 3pm on IRC in the absence
of enthusiasm for other times and mediums.

{{action}} Brianna to contact Chuq re: his committee involvement.


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