[Wikimedia-SF] Maker Faire - Shift Signup (Traffic/Parking)

Eugene Zelenko eugene.zelenko at gmail.com
Thu May 20 18:30:52 UTC 2010


Actually there are lot small street down to the south from El Camino
where parking is free :-) Of course you should pay attention to street
parking signs. Walk is not too long from there to Event Center.

Also I don't remember big traffic from 280/92 last year.


On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:34 AM, phoebe ayers <phoebe.ayers at gmail.com> wrote:
> Yep! I'm on it. And don't forget to sign up for a shift if you want one :)
> Any last minute computer display ideas?
> thanks,
> -- phoebe
> On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Eugene Zelenko
> <eugene.zelenko at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, Jon!
>> Please don't forget to send your and Phoebe cell phone numbers to
>> volunteers today/Friday.
>> Sure, it should be in private mails.
>> Eugene.
>> On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Jon Davis <wiki at konsoletek.com> wrote:
>>> Ok, I was a lazy bastard, I apologize.  I've finally gone and created the
>>> shift signup for Maker Faire:
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/San_Francisco/Maker_Faire_2010#Volunteers
>>> Last year, we had the problem with having too many people at the booth first
>>> thing in the morning and then not enough later in the day. This year we're
>>> going to break things up into "shifts". I ask that you show up at least 10mn
>>> early for your shift and be ready to stay around for the duration of your
>>> shift (Obviously 100% is not required, but I ask that you don't plan on
>>> wandering off for half the time of the shift). After the shift, you're more
>>> than welcome to stay at the Faire (since you're already in the gate) and do
>>> what ever your heart desires. If you've got a late shift, we can get you in
>>> early to the Faire so you can "check things out", and then work later.
>>> On the wiki, I put 3 "slots" per shift.  Replace the slot with your name for
>>> your desired shift.  If your desired shift is already full, please consider
>>> filling out the other shifts before "expanding" a filled shift.
>>> FAQ's
>>> Q) Can we have more than 3 people working at once?
>>> A) Yes, but per my previous mention, I'd like to try and balance out the
>>> volunteers.
>>> Q) Can we work multiple shifts?
>>> A) Of course.  I'm not going to say no to anyone that wants to spend the
>>> entire day with Phoebe and I, loosing our voice shouting over what ever
>>> noisy thing we'll be next to this year.
>>> Q) I'm not exactly sure when I can work/Your times don't work for me.  What
>>> can I do?
>>> A) It's not a perfect system.  If you're not sure, put yourself down as a
>>> maybe.  If you're travel arrangements preclude a specific time period
>>> (you're going to be an hour late, etc), just note that too.  We'll have
>>> people there, I'm just trying to space them out over the entire day.
>>> Q) Do I have to pay to get in?
>>> A) No.  We get a set of badges (generally not enough for everyone, but we
>>> make it work), and we'll get you in and out of the "staff" entrance -
>>> details to follow.
>>> Q) Do I get to see the Faire?
>>> A) Yes, the Faire is open 10am to 8pm Saturday and 10am to 6pm Sunday.  We
>>> only ask for 3 hours of that time.
>>> Q) Can I come multiple days?
>>> A) Yes
>>> Q) What does a volunteer have to do?
>>> A)  Basically, you get to sit at our booth, look pretty, accept compliments
>>> (people love Wikipedia) and tell people about Wikimedia/Wikipedia/All the
>>> projects.  If we're lucky, you might even convince a few people to edit.
>>> We'll have "stuff" to give away (like flyers, and stickers and such).
>>> Q) I'm confused, I have more questions
>>> A) That isn't a question - but email the list, or me personally - I can tell
>>> you about Maker Faire till your ears bleed.
>>> -Jon
>>> --
>>> Jon
>>> [[User:ShakataGaNai]] / KJ6FNQ
>>> http://snowulf.com/
>>> "This email should not be used to sue me" -- Bawolff
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