[Wikimedia-SF] Maker Faire - Shift Signup

Jon Davis wiki at konsoletek.com
Wed May 5 18:55:11 UTC 2010

Ok, I was a lazy bastard, I apologize.  I've finally gone and created the
shift signup for Maker Faire:


Last year, we had the problem with having too many people at the booth first
thing in the morning and then not enough later in the day. This year we're
going to break things up into "shifts". I ask that you show up at least 10mn
early for your shift and be ready to stay around for the duration of your
shift (Obviously 100% is not required, but I ask that you don't plan on
wandering off for half the time of the shift). After the shift, you're more
than welcome to stay at the Faire (since you're already in the gate) and do
what ever your heart desires. If you've got a late shift, we can get you in
early to the Faire so you can "check things out", and then work later.

On the wiki, I put 3 "slots" per shift.  Replace the slot with your name for
your desired shift.  If your desired shift is already full, please consider
filling out the other shifts before "expanding" a filled shift.

Q) Can we have more than 3 people working at once?
A) Yes, but per my previous mention, I'd like to try and balance out the

Q) Can we work multiple shifts?
A) Of course.  I'm not going to say no to anyone that wants to spend the
entire day with Phoebe and I, loosing our voice shouting over what ever
noisy thing we'll be next to this year.

Q) I'm not exactly sure when I can work/Your times don't work for me.  What
can I do?
A) It's not a perfect system.  If you're not sure, put yourself down as a
maybe.  If you're travel arrangements preclude a specific time period
(you're going to be an hour late, etc), just note that too.  We'll have
people there, I'm just trying to space them out over the entire day.

Q) Do I have to pay to get in?
A) No.  We get a set of badges (generally not enough for everyone, but we
make it work), and we'll get you in and out of the "staff" entrance -
details to follow.

Q) Do I get to see the Faire?
A) Yes, the Faire is open 10am to 8pm Saturday and 10am to 6pm Sunday.  We
only ask for 3 hours of that time.

Q) Can I come multiple days?
A) Yes

Q) What does a volunteer have to do?
A)  Basically, you get to sit at our booth, look pretty, accept compliments
(people love Wikipedia) and tell people about Wikimedia/Wikipedia/All the
projects.  If we're lucky, you might even convince a few people to edit.
We'll have "stuff" to give away (like flyers, and stickers and such).

Q) I'm confused, I have more questions
A) That isn't a question - but email the list, or me personally - I can tell
you about Maker Faire till your ears bleed.


[[User:ShakataGaNai]] / KJ6FNQ
"This email should not be used to sue me" -- Bawolff
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