[Wikimedia-l] Outcome of Wikimedia board discussion on the Chapters Association

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 15:37:57 UTC 2013

Dariusz Jemielniak, 05/02/2013 16:18:
>> ... Is it fair to assume that the WMF will take a dim view of
>>> FDC-allocated funds being transferred to the WCA? I'm sure no chapters
>>> anticipating an FDC allocation would like to put that at risk.
>> Would someone sitting on the FDC like to pick this one up?
> there's nothing to pick up so far. The FDC has not held any meetings since
> (obviously), and it generally operates within the mandate given by the
> Board (which makes all decisions, FDC is only making recommendations). I
> myself can reveal that I personally believe that for the WCA, or any other
> entity basing on similar principles, FDC-based funding model is much better
> (in terms of accountability, transparency, and also sensible strategy
> creation) than membership fees.

The WMF board decision prevents the FDC from even making such a 
This is not what Nathan asked, though; Nathan, of course the FDC may 
change their mind, but as for the past the answer to your question is in 
their last recommendations to the board (as far as I can see).


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