[Foundation-l] Dead Sea Scrolls

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 09:42:46 UTC 2011

On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 5:55 AM, Chris Keating
<chriskeatingwiki at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Finally, the Dead Sea Scrolls[1] have copyright[2]. Courtesy of The Israel
>> Museum. Congratulations.
> If the Dead Sea Scrolls were divinely inspired, like other Biblical texts,
> then there is an argument that the author is still alive.... ;-)
> (c) God, 2011


Are there any jurisdictions where a religious texts have been refused
a copyright for reason of being divine?

There are a few legal cases about copyright of religious texts where
the copyright has been given to the 'medium' / 'channeler'.


And there is the crown hold copyright on KJV, in perpetuity.

John Vandenberg

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