[Foundation-l] Spamming from this list

Katie Chan ktc at ktchan.info
Sun Sep 25 00:34:11 UTC 2011

On 24/09/2011 22:31, ???? wrote:
> Could people on this list please refrain from spamming this email with
> requests to join LinkIn (and that includes Mike Godwin), as I have no
> interest in joining.

They're sent out automatically from the LinkedIn (or whoever) system 
with consent of the named sender. It usually happens with people 
selecting to "invite [their] friends" and giving the site access to 
their email's address book. Combined that with webmail usual tactic 
automatically of saving all incoming and outgoing email addresses.

I thought some rule was going to be added to automatically 
reject/blackhole such emails?


Experience is a good school but the fees are high.
     - Heinrich Heine

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