[Foundation-l] A possible solution for the image filter

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Fri Sep 23 10:52:37 UTC 2011

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 04:50:03AM -0700, Robert Rohde wrote:
> I have had the impression that the oh-my-god-think-of-the-children
> crowd was at least 95% of the reason we were discussing this entire
> endeavor.

So how about the folks who don't want to see kids exposed to
filters? (serious question!)

An occaisional annoying image or icky text will happen from
time to time, but filters just grind and grind on you 
day in and day out. 

That's not going to be good for the mental health of 
developing minds.

Well, perhaps that's drifting slightly off-topic for foundation-l
but to stay on topic: be aware that the position is reversible: 

"Think of the children, don't filter!"

	Kim Bruning


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