[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 23 08:40:30 UTC 2011

Am 23.09.2011 10:27, schrieb Fae:
> How odd, checking Tobias' list, I tried
> http://www.safesearchkids.com/wikipedia-for-kids.html to look for
> "penis" and it recommended [[File:Male erect penis.jpg]] as the second
> match. I was expecting it to restrict me to the more rounded and
> educational encyclopaedia entries, not straight to the most
> challenging images without context.
> If the WMF were to "recommend" such a solution for schools or
> religious groups, we might run into some immediate complaints.
> Cheers,
> Fae
I did not say that the Google filter is perfect. Additionally it could 
have been that Google does not see that image as offensive or did never 
revise it. I was talking about the ease that such tools can be built and 
that there is actually a market for such tools.

If we implement a filter with categories, then we would provide the same 
data source as Google does. But we should keep in mind: The 
better/stricter we are, the better/stricter will be filters from third 
parties. We would invest to provide them the tools and data they need.

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