[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter

Andrew Gray andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk
Thu Sep 22 21:49:14 UTC 2011

On 21 September 2011 18:20, Tobias Oelgarte
<tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Truthfully, i see not different approach to include images and text
> passages. Both are added, discussed, removed, re-added the same way as
> text is. Now i heard some say that text is written by multiple authors
> and images are only created by one. Then i must wonder that we are able
> to decide to include one source and it's arguments written by one
> author, while it seams to be a problem to include the image of one
> photographer/artist. There really is no difference in overall progress.

If we've a choice of several different images, we can pick the one
which is most neutral - so if we're writing about a war, we can choose
not to use a photograph of the Glorious Forces of Our Side Marching In
Victory, and instead pick a less loaded one of some soldiers in a
field, or a map with arrows.

But there's a problem when the issue is whether it's appropriate to
*include an image at all*. If one position says we should include an
image and the other position says we shouldn't, then whichever way we
decide, we've taken sides. We can't really be neutral in a yes-or-no

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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