[Foundation-l] A Wikimedia project has forked

Nikola Smolenski smolensk at eunet.rs
Thu Sep 22 13:34:12 UTC 2011

On 22/09/11 14:53, Michael Peel wrote:
>> From: Nikola Smolenski<smolensk at eunet.rs>
>> On 22/09/11 10:12, Andrea Zanni wrote:
>>> when Sue presented us the Strategic Plan and Wikipedia was all over the
>>> pages,
>>> but none of the sister projects.
>> I have to say, whenever I make a presentation of Wikimedia and mention
>> sister projects, all I get is blank stares. It really makes sense to
>> focus on Wikipedia in outreach activities.
> Um… no. That means it really makes sense to talk about the sister projects more than just mentioning them, as they are clearly in more need of outreach than Wikipedia with that audience…

Of course I haven't meant that I just list them; I say a couple of 
sentences about every one of them.

> I often briefly describe the sister projects when I'm doing Wikipedia outreach - and quite often see people making comments on twitter etc. as a result about how they didn't know about a particular project, and were going to take a look at it (and hopefully go on to contribute to it…)

Apparently we had different audiences.

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