[Foundation-l] foundation-l Digest, Vol 90, Issue 121

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 08:02:08 UTC 2011

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 7:37 PM, Craig Franklin <craig at halo-17.net> wrote:
> .. For instance, some months ago I was doing
> some research and I found that for Wikisource it doesn't count the "Page"
> and "Index" namespaces as "articles", even though that's where the bulk of
> the content generation is taking place these days.
> This might have since been fixed, and I'm sure that you (Phillipe) are aware
> of it,

It's not fixed.  Thomas and Phe have maintained a separate stats page.


Wikisource also has "Author" and "Portal" pages, which is where _all_
of the user-contributed content goes.

Wiktionary has an Appendix namespace, which is one of its most
important sets of content pages, consisting of lovely word lists.
Some of these Appendix would be a "featured list" in English Wikipedia

John Vandenberg

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