[Foundation-l] Possible solution for image filter

Tobias Oelgarte tobias.oelgarte at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 21 19:09:35 UTC 2011

Am 21.09.2011 21:02, schrieb Milos Rancic:
> On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 20:47, David Levy<lifeisunfair at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Milos Rancic wrote:
>>> Don't worry! Any implementation of censorship project would lead to
>>> endless troll-fests which would be more dumb than Youtube comments.
>>> The point is just to kick out them out of productive projects. Imagine
>>> a place where Christian, Muslim,<religon3>,<religionN>
>>> fundamentalists will have to cooperate! That would be the place for
>>> epic battles of dumbness. We'll have in-house circus!
>> You're comfortable with the Wikimedia Foundation hosting/funding an
>> "in-house circus"?
> Between:
> 1) implementation against the majority will on main project;
> 2) prolonged discussion about this issue, which would harm community;
> 3) irrelevant in-house circus
> -- I choose the circus.
You choose discussions about images in a "circus" outside the context 
they belong to? This won't be "circus", since we just reduced the amount 
of arguments from some to zero. If combatants argue about a topic 
without having a word left, isn't this called a battlefield?

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