[Foundation-l] Rename proposal of Kurdish wikipedia

M. Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 16:35:19 UTC 2011

Nathan, what about the fact that all the "Kurdish editors" are speakers of
Kurmanji? White Cat solicited opinions from the Sorani and Zazaki Wikipedias
but nobody from there has commented yet. It should be noted that ku.wp users
have a history of reacting angrily to the creation of Wikipedias for Kurdish
languages like Sorani, and languages that they believe to be Kurdish like
Zazaki. Gomada was seen around Meta complaining recently about the fact that
Zazaki has lots of new stub articles... why, if Gomada has never edited the
Zazaki Wikipedia before? Well, it's obvious: he doesn't want any "dialect"
Wikipedia to overtake the Kurmanji Wikipedia in number of articles.

If all Kurdish editors had been in favor of having a "Kurdish Wikipedia" as
an "emblem of their unified ethnic identity", as you claim, then there would
never have been a separate Sorani Wikipedia.

2011/9/17 Nathan <nawrich at gmail.com>

> On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 11:49 PM, M. Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:
> > And if I were to ask the community to make it? I would be perfectly
> willing
> > to do the same thing. This should not be relevant in Wikimedia. If a
> > pedophile says "We should put a picture of a naked child on every page of
> > Wikipedia!", we should refute his idea on its merits, not based on the
> fact
> > that he's a pedophile. I have been thinking for a long time now that
> ku.wp
> > should be moved to kmr.wp, I am just not a big fan of all of the
> bureaucracy
> > and so avoided doing it myself. Now someone else has done it, and I
> support
> > it.
> >
> > So it really bothers me that you're judging a proposal based on the
> > (supposed) ethnicity of the person who suggested it, especially since the
> > proposal has always had merit and I could've easily been the proposer
> > myself. If an argument has no merit, then say so based on the argument.
> Ad
> > hominem is never right, and that's actually exactly what you've done
> here.
> >
> You are, again, jumping to conclusions unsupported by what I actually
> wrote. I didn't "judge the proposal" based on his ethnicity. If you
> can't be bothered to read what I've posted, then please refrain from
> further replies.
> ---
> Millosh wrote:
> If White Cat has pro-Turkish bias, he wouldn't support Sorani
> speakers, as they are "on PKK's side" and PKK is the archenemy of
> Turkey. However, much more relevant factor in inter-Kurdish disputes
> are personal and political feuds, not ethnic tension.
> ---
> Here's a situation where there may be unknown ramifications to the
> action requested. In a period of ethnic and political conflict between
> two groups, even minor and seemingly apolitical maneuvers may have
> larger significance not apparent to outsiders. Since we don't have all
> the details, it can be helpful to understand the background of the
> people involved in a dispute - in this case, virtually all of the
> Kurdish editors are against the proposed rename, while White Cat (who
> has an amply documented history of pro-Turkish editing which should
> not be doubted) is in favor. If, as you say, it's a purely logical and
> reasonable argument, then the nature of the two sides is an
> interesting coincidence. Perhaps the Kurdish editors prefer having a
> "Kurdish Wikipedia" as an emblem of their unified ethnic identity, or
> perhaps there are other factors at play.
> Nathan
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