[Foundation-l] IRC office hours with Sue Gardner, Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 17:00 UTC

Steven Walling steven.walling at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 19:20:33 UTC 2011

On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 11:51 AM, J Alexandr Ledbury-Romanov <
alexandrdmitriromanov at gmail.com> wrote:

> With absolutely no disrespect meant towards Sue, are there any plans to
> have
> Office Hours with any other members of the WMF ? We have, for example, a
> new
> General Counsel who seems to be working on a number of issues affecting the
> community at large.
> Alex

With the draft of the new Terms of Use on Meta, I think it's a great idea to
have one with Geoff. I'll ask him when could work.

Just to be honest, we have them scheduled every month with Sue as a matter
of default on her calendar, not as a conscious choice to put Sue
front-and-center as the only possible office hours representative. It just
takes more effort to get other folks into IRC, especially new employees who
may not be familiar with it, so if you have particular suggestions please do
speak up.


P.S. Replying from my personal account, because my staff account is set to
"no mail" for the lists I'm already on.

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