[Foundation-l] On curiosity, cats and scapegoats

Thomas Morton morton.thomas at googlemail.com
Wed Sep 14 21:50:55 UTC 2011

> A wiki usually serves its participants first, (with the world at
> large being a secondary goal; after all - the entire world is
> invited and welcome to participate if they want to).

I've commented at length already on why this is the wrong approach; and
forces us into an even more insular community with greater biases (you only
have to look at the different ways that different language Wiki's present
topics to understand how little "neutrality" we have. There is a bias; it's
just that each community agrees on it).

This is a vicious circle that ignores our readers (who are a much wider
cross section) and leaves a somewhat close minded and inaccessible community
that believes it is the pillar of neutrality :)

I can't ASSUME
> things about non-participants. For all I know anything we do
> (including filtering) might hurt them. If they don't speak up, we
> don't know.

 And this takes us full circle to just about my first question on this long
thread.... has anyone actually asked our consumers what they would like to

I am going to guess this will again go unanswered and un-actioned :)


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