[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

Marcin Cieslak saper at saper.info
Mon Sep 12 23:53:18 UTC 2011

>> David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7 September 2011 22:26, Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Turning off images should be, and can be, done by the user-agent.
>>> We have a help page describing how to do this.
> This is really low-bandwidth usability. I've tried editing Wikipedia
> on dialup ... it's annoying enough waiting for all the Javascript
> these days on 1Mbit.
> "Images on" "Images off" in a sidebar, switching the CSS live?

Come on, I actually like editing using a text browser (at least
I get a much better editor than any browser is offering currently).

Images in many such environments can be loaded and displayed on-demand.
In some browsers there is an option "launch graphical browser for
this URL". 

The only thing that I really miss is a "?" after a "red link". 
It got replaced long time ago by the CSS gimmick and it does
not work on pure text browsers at all, see



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