[Foundation-l] A Wikimedia project has forked

Kim Bruning kim at bruning.xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 12 21:29:10 UTC 2011

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 11:08:10PM +0100, David Gerard wrote:
> Considering Wikinews was started and pushed heavily by Erik Moller
> (early on he was personally bailing people up at wikimeets to get
> them to contribute to it), I suggest your analysis is on
> crack^W^W^Whypothesises too much cause for what is *entirely*
> explicable by a small community going insular and going for
> perceived quality over outreach.

When Erik started working for the WMF, I think he had to go more
hands-off due to COI. GNSM sort of was symptomatic of that.

That said, the heavyweight structure was already coming in years
ago, I actually managed to cut my teeth on denting it once. (I
documented the pattern I used at [[:EN:WP:BRD]] ). 

I haven't tracked wikinews as well as I would have liked to, of
late. <scratches head>

	Kim Bruning


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