[Foundation-l] [Wiki-research-l] Summary of findings from WMF Summer of Research program now available

emijrp emijrp at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 21:04:29 UTC 2011

The interesting thing here is, 4.8M unique red links in 2009, and unique
5.6M red links in 2011. *The more articles are created, the more articles
are missing*.

2011/9/6 Steven Walling <swalling at wikimedia.org>

> Greetings everyone,
> Now that the the WMF summer research program in the Community Department
> has come to a close, I wanted to point interested parties to the body of
> findings we've produced.
> We covered a lot of territory so to save you the trouble if you just want
> to browse, we collected our most salient results into one wiki page.
>    - Relevant blog post here:
>    http://blog.wikimedia.org/2011/09/06/summer-research-findings/
>    - Summary of findings on Meta, with links to further documentation:
>    https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/wiki/Research:Wikimedia_Summer_of_Research_2011/Summary_of_Findings
> Next steps are twofold for this program:
>    1. We'll be working with the Global Development team and some
>    volunteers from the local community to extend these analyses to cover
>    Portuguese Wikipedia, specifically to support Global Dev's work in Brazil.
>    2. We're choosing and implementing a platform to release not just our
>    code, but the datasets we compiled over the summer. You'll hear more about
>    this soon, but we're taking our time in order to decide on a solution that
>    will work in the long term for sharing open data beyond the dumps.
> Last but not least, if anyone would like to have a more in-depth discussion
> about these findings and the research that produced them, I'm definitely
> open to hosting an IRC office hours with some members of the team. Just let
> me know if you're interested (on or offlist) and I'll set something up soon.
> --
> Steven Walling
> Fellow at Wikimedia Foundation
> wikimediafoundation.org
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