[Foundation-l] Hypothetical project rebranding Wikimedia

Ziko van Dijk zvandijk at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 8 19:20:43 UTC 2011

> "The site offers a brilliantly simple user experience, has clear strategic
> goals and is driven by the objectives laid out in its Five Pillars. However,

Forget about the "Five Pillars". Originally they were "three essential
characteristics of the Wikipedia project". They grew to six later. In
German, they were four, later five.

In Dutch, at some times 3, but also 5. In Afrikaans, no real list. In
Frisian, originally 3, later 4, the "four F's". Frisian, Facts, Free,
ObjektyF. "But don't be too worried about rules. Contributing must
remain fun."

Kind regards

Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands

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