[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

rupert THURNER rupert.thurner at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 04:04:09 UTC 2011

starting from "is there a tool" has some truth :) if there would be an
itch, somebody would scratch it. if there is a real need a tool would
exist written by somebody. and if somebody really feels to use such a
tool, this person would switch it on.

because, contrary to a mediawiki parser and wysiwyg editor, its easy
to do. and it is easier to do than e.g. wikitrust:
http://www.wikitrust.net/. and its easier to do than handling the
mediawiki bug list with over 500 (five hundred) bugs unhandled [1].

maybe this whole story is much ado about nothing,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Much_Ado_About_Nothing ...

[1] buglist - https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?columnlist=opendate%2Cvotes%2Cbug_severity%2Cpriority%2Cop_sys%2Cbug_status%2Cresolution%2Cshort_desc&field0-0-0=votes&list_id=3144&query_format=advanced&resolution=---&type0-0-0=greaterthan&value0-0-0=2&order=votes%20DESC%2C&query_based_on=


On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 23:15, Ziko van Dijk <zvandijk at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I also detest the use of the word "censorship", which is obviously out
> of range here. It's simply about what individuals want to see or not.
> Some Wikimedians are rather short sighted or ignorant towards the fact
> that other people may think and feel differently.
> Still, I had preferred to let the Wikimedians vote on the introduction
> in general. Or, better, prepare the tool and then let the single
> communities decide.
> German language Wikipedia has indeed a rather homogenous community,
> compared to more global linguistic communities.
> Kind regards
> Ziko
> 2011/9/4 Sarah Stierch <sarah.stierch at gmail.com>:
>>> Yes (maybe). It's not at all clear that this use case should not be
>>> ignored to avoid the possibility of compromising the encyclopedia.
>>> I have to ask: if there's such a demand for a censored Wikipedia,
>>> where are the third-party providers? Anyone? This is a serious
>>> question. Even workplace filtermakers don't censor Wikipedia, as far
>>> as I know.
>> Some workplace filters don't allow for certain subjects to be searched. I
>> work at a major museum institution, I cannot view subject matter about
>> certain sex topics (and I'm the Wikipedian in Residence, so I'm on WP most
>> of my day). (i.e. "sexual differences").
>> I don't know why people are wigging out so badly about the image filter. If
>> people want to use it, great, and if you don't, DON'T. But perhaps I'm
>> misunderstanding something about the idea. I voted for it, and it seems the
>> people who dislike the idea are the only one's speaking out on the list.
>> The idea that there is a choice is very empowering. Just like people filter
>> television cable programming for their children, and internet access.
>> Sometimes this appear when you least expect them, and to allow our users the
>> choice, is great. I will probably never use it (even though I just found out
>> there are plenty of things that gross me out that end up on Wikipedia by way
>> of Commons images), but, I support the option.
>> And to say that a 4 year old being restricted from seeing nudity on
>> Wikipedia is "not educating them" just makes me laugh out loud. Just like I
>> wouldn't want my 4 year old (and no, I don't have kids, but I have nieces,
>> nephews, etc) watching porn, playing violent video games or watching John
>> Waters movies. :P (And I love John Waters!).
>> It's really fascinating how freely Wikipedians and Wikimedians love to throw
>> around the word censorship. Someone should do a study on that.
>> Sarah
>> --
>> GLAMWIKI Partnership Ambassador for the Wikimedia
>> Foundation<http://www.glamwiki.org>
>> Wikipedian-in-Residence, Archives of American
>> Art<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:SarahStierch>
>> and
>> Sarah Stierch Consulting
>> *Historical, cultural & artistic research & advising.*
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> http://www.sarahstierch.com/
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> --
> Ziko van Dijk
> The Netherlands
> http://zikoblog.wordpress.com/
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