[Foundation-l] [libraries] Open Access EU consultation

Daniel Mietchen daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 5 01:27:01 UTC 2011

Dear all,

I completed a first draft:
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RCom/OA/EU .


On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84 at gmail.com> wrote:
> [sorry for cross-posting]
> I wanted to remind you all that the deadline of the European
> consultation on Open Access and Open Data is September 9th.
> Here's the link:
> http://ec.europa.eu/research/consultations/scientific_information/consultation_en.htm
> and here's the survey on Meta:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RCom/OA/EU
> Daniel is working on that, but feedback could be useful.
> Here my few cents about some proposals we could make in the comment
> sections ofthe survey:
> 1. We need strategies/policies for OA. We need institutions/university
> to *require* OAfrom doctoral students and researchers.
> 2. We need digital preservation to be done by libraries and archives,
> not publishers. They have right now the functions and services
> (access, dissemination, preservation) that should be accomplished by
> libraries. Preservation is an issue.
> 3. We need clear, easily understandable licenses.
> CC-BY for articles and CC-0 for research data should do their job.
> No more ad hoc, human-not-understandable licenses, but clear Creative
> Commons. (CC-BY= we can use that on Wikipedia, we can upload it on
> Commons, we can publish it on Wikisource, we have material for
> Wikibooks/Wikiversity, etc.)
> I hope this can be useful.
> Aubrey
> 2011/7/28 Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84 at gmail.com>:
>> Thank you Daniel, great work.
>> Lodewijk was suggesting that we reply as an organization,
>> because they don't really count single citizens proposals.
>> If we manage to write something, we could then forward it many times,
>> one per chapter, in several languages :-)
>> But first things first, we need to work on the draft.
>> Aubrey
>> 2011/7/28 Daniel Mietchen <daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com>:
>>> Problem solved; full text now on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RCom/OA/EU .
>>> Daniel
>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Daniel Mietchen
>>> <daniel.mietchen at googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Aubrey,
>>>> thanks for the invitation. I had indeed planned to set up a document
>>>> to facilitate collaborative drafting of a response. So far, I have
>>>> seen the Open Knowledge Foundation, the Euroscience Working Group on
>>>> Open Access as well as Eurodoc signaling an interest in drafting a
>>>> response, and doing it all together - perhaps with an individual
>>>> comment per organization - could be worth a try.
>>>> The questionnaire comes in three variants - for citizens,
>>>> organisations and public bodies - and the session to fill it in is
>>>> time-limited, so we will have to set up an editable copy somewhere.
>>>> The Commission provided a PDF (
>>>> http://ec.europa.eu/research/consultations/scientific_information/questionnaire.pdf
>>>> ) whose text cannot be copied, and I inquired with them on July 16 to
>>>> provide another version of the file. My submission was "forwarded to
>>>> the technical unit" two days later but no reaction since - I just
>>>> dropped them a line again.
>>>> To get things started, I just set up
>>>> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/RCom/OA/EU . Please chime in there.
>>>> Thanks and cheers,
>>>> Daniel
>>>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Andrea Zanni <zanni.andrea84 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>> Lodewijk today forwarded me this interesting EU consultation about
>>>>> open access, open data and digital preservation for scientific
>>>>> information.
>>>>> Press release:
>>>>> http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/11/890
>>>>> Consultation:
>>>>> http://ec.europa.eu/research/consultations/scientific_information/consultation_en.htm
>>>>> It could be very, very interesting if we (as Wikimedia Movement, or
>>>>> Wikimedia chapters)
>>>>> could write a statement to contribute.
>>>>> Maybe our brand-new Open Access WMF fellow could be interested in
>>>>> coordinating :-D
>>>>> Anyway, it seems a good opportunity to put in (digital) paper what we
>>>>> think about these issues.
>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>> We have until September 9th.
>>>>> Aubrey
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