[Foundation-l] Tragedy: videos and slides from presentations Wikimanias (lately 2011 in Haifa)

Michael Dale mdale at wikimedia.org
Sun Sep 4 20:44:38 UTC 2011

It will be a lot easier to import from YouTube once Timed media handler adds support for webm to commons. If you check out the wikivideo-l and commons lists for some recent example YouTube to commons scripts.  I know this is not super useful info right this second, but there is hope on the horizon.


----- Reply message -----
From: "Itzik Edri" <itzik at infra.co.il>
To: "Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List" <foundation-l at lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Foundation-l] Tragedy: videos and slides from presentations Wikimanias (lately 2011 in Haifa)
Date: Sat, Sep 3, 2011 2:40 pm


As I said before - all Wikimania sessions had been recorded (in HD format!).
As everyone who work with video know, to produce 120 hours of HD videos, is
not an easy thing at all.

We had to finish a lot of administrative work which related to Wikimania,
and we just back to take care for this issue - to edit, decode and upload.
Videos are already on their way online to Youtube and we hope to upload all
of them until the end of the month. After we will finish that, we will need
to find more time again to decode them and compress them so we can upload to
Commons (every decode file who been uploads right now to youtube is about

All the footage are backup on two hard drive, one that belong to Wikimedia
Israel and one which will be sent to WMF for archive. So we have all the
data, and it is only matter of time. Be patients please.


On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 12:02 PM, Jan Kucera (Kozuch) <garbage5 at seznam.cz>wrote:

> Hi there,
> I think WMF should set up some "quality measures" to make sure there
> actually is some reasonable online output from every Wikimedia conference.
> There might be thousands of editors not being able to attend but wanting to
> watch what was going on. Now you have to dig and beg for any slides or video
> on Commons. I do not know the decision process for a location but so far
> almost every host failed miserably to deliver some reasonable online content
> like videos and slides from the presentations.
> Kozuch
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