[Foundation-l] Personal Image Filter results announced

Ziko van Dijk zvandijk at googlemail.com
Sun Sep 4 13:08:54 UTC 2011


Frankly, I am quite unhappy about the referendum and share the
concerns expressed by Thomas. I think that the Foundation did not take
those Wikimedians serious who are opposed to the filter. The
Foundation avoided the direct question whether someone is for or
against the filter at all, this most important question was denied to
the community.

>From this perspective, the first question can be seen as manipulative.

On German language Wikipedia, there is a poll of its own.

It will go until September 15th, but by now the results are as
follows: Against the filter 231, for the filter 44. Undecided 14.

Kind regards

2011/9/4 Thomas Dalton <thomas.dalton at gmail.com>:
> I said from the beginning that this poll was too badly designed for anyone
> to be able to draw useful conclusions from whatever the results are. I think
> that has been proven correct.
> A very large proportion of voters said they don't consider the feature
> important. If they simply mean "not important" then the result could be
> considered a mandate to proceed. If they actually mean they are opposed to
> the feature, which seems likely given the number of negative comments, then
> there is not even a clear majority in favour.
> While I personally am in favour of this feature, I urge the Foundation not
> to proceed with it without further consultation. To ask the community for
> their views and then not actually take those views into account (which you
> can't do since you can't tell what they are) would be a an insult to the
> community and would significantly harm relations between the Foundation and
> those it exists to serve.
> The Foundation needs to be mature enough to admit that they've screwed up
> this survey, apologise and try again. Next time, start by figuring out what
> you want to achieve by asking the questions and then choose the questions
> accordingly.

Ziko van Dijk
The Netherlands

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