[Foundation-l] content ownership in different projects

Lodewijk lodewijk at effeietsanders.org
Fri Jun 17 11:50:03 UTC 2011

I guess that Amir was rather referring to the cultural aspect than the legal
aspect. Even if you are legally allowed to change something, that doesnt
mean the original author likes it. I assume that all Wiki projects have this
culture in them, that nobody "owns" an article - this doesn't mean however
that there are no exceptions (people who think they are exceptions or
policies allowing temporary exceptions to be able to make a nice draft - for
example in ones own usernamespace).

Amir, is there a specific background that you are thinking of which is why
you are asking this? Maybe that helps people answering your question.



2011/6/17 Strainu <strainu10 at gmail.com>

> 2011/6/17 Strainu <strainu10 at gmail.com>:
> > Think about a CC-BY-NC-ND wiki. Theoretically, one
> > could only add content to that wiki, not edit what has already been
> > written.
> Actually, I'm not even sure you could add content to articles on a
> CC-BY-NC-ND wiki. Would have to check with a lawyer...
> Strainu
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