[Foundation-l] Statement on appropriate educational content

Sue Gardner sgardner at wikimedia.org
Sat May 8 00:30:09 UTC 2010

On 7 May 2010 16:07, Kim Bruning <kim at bruning.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On Fri, May 07, 2010 at 12:30:18PM -0700, Michael Snow wrote:
>> announce-l still has issues. The Board of Trustees has directed me to
>> release the following statement:
> Just to be sure:
> Are there no other statements that have been made by the board
> or are being planned to be made by the board on this subject?
> sincerly,
>        Kim Bruning

Kim, the board (and I) have been talking about this for the past
couple of days, and we'll continue to talk about it over the next
couple of weeks.  I think it's fairly likely there will be some kind
of statement or statements at the end of that.  I'm expecting that
over the next few weeks, we all will be paying attention to the
conversations on Commons and elsewhere, including here.


Sue Gardner
Executive Director
Wikimedia Foundation

415 839 6885 office

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