[Foundation-l] a heads-up on Wikimedia France's adventures with the French cultural authorities

Teofilo teofilowiki at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 11:38:20 UTC 2009

I think our prioritory focus should the Public Domain, not least
because the new (undisclosed yet) "digital clause"  to be used on
French governement GLAM websites will be experimentally tested on the
website of the Claude Monet exhibition at Grand Palais in Paris from
October 2010 to January 2011. Claude Monet is a painter whose works
are in the Public Domain because he died more than 70 years ago.


French : http://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2009/09/10/les-dix-travaux-de-marin-karmitz-pour-la-culture_1238286_3246.html

English : http://artforum.com/news/mode=international&week=200938

2009/9/25, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com>:
> Oh yeah, we need people to push in all directions at once at all
> strengths at once.

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