[Foundation-l] Fundraiser update

Nathan nawrich at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 16:24:50 UTC 2009

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net>wrote:

> The Foundation - and those who represent it - seem to have forgotten that
> people are at the heart of what they are there to do. And, without the
> heart, it cannot live.
> Marc Riddell

When this sort of thread devolves into tangential sniping, bickering over
word choice and amorphous "the foundation has lost its way!" claims, it
loses its usefulness. When it happens often, even to threads opened by a
Foundation staffer for a specific purpose, it degrades the usefulness of the
entire list. People don't have to append their normal disagreements to every
single thread. Start your own thread, label it accurately and post there so
the rest of us know to stay away.


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