[Foundation-l] Old newspapers going to destruction

John at Darkstar vacuum at jeb.no
Wed Sep 24 13:54:49 UTC 2008

They don't know what the collection contains.
Several has tried to get an answare and basically no one knows.

Henning Schlottmann skrev:
> John at Darkstar wrote:
>> In Norway a university has a large collection of newspapers, the
>> collection is claimed to cover around 3000 running meters in the store
>> house - without the norwegian and nordic newspapers, whats left is
>> international newspapers from the last 150 years. If no one is coming up
>> with a solution the collection is going to be destructed (actually burned)
>>From these words I understand that the Norwegian papers (and those in
> Norwegian language) will be preserved, and the destruction only concerns
> international papers in other languages. Is that correct?
> Well, then I see absolutely nothing wrong with burning them. One might
> want to check if archives of those papers exist in their country of
> origin, but if so, there simply is no need to preserve warehouses full
> of dead trees.
> Regarding digitalization: That's the responsibility of the national
> library of origin of those newspapers. And most of them already are
> digitalized or are in the process or queued for it.
> If those newspapers are the usual suspects I would expect in a Norwegian
> archive such as Svenska Dagbladet, Berlingske Tidende, Politiken, London
> Times, Le Monde, El Mundo, New York Times and Washington Post,
> Frankfurter Allgemeine, Prawda, and so on, I would assume that all of
> them are available online and why should a Norwegian university spend
> time and money to create another copy?
> Digitalization and online archives allow that not every research library
> in the world has to do the same job again and again.
> Ciao Henning
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