[Foundation-l] Dialog med Retriever om tilgang til Atekst

John Vandenberg jayvdb at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 11:50:36 UTC 2008

On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 8:08 PM, John at Darkstar <vacuum at jeb.no> wrote:
>> He he he... Wy bad, that was the completly wrong list! The naming scheme
>> on these lists are to similar.
>> It should go to our internal list at WM Norway. Its an on-going
>> discussion about implementation details for a joint effort between WM
>> Norway and a company that sells access to news paper archives, and the
>> discussion are about how active wikipedians can have free access.
>> What the heck, its already on our signpost and has been for some time!
>> But for the continued discussion, the list wikino-l at lists.wikimedia.org
>> or wikimedia-no-styre at lists.wikimedia.org would be a better place... ;)
>> John (which spanks himself for being so sloppy)

Hi John,

Since you emailed the foundation list, I may as well reply on topic,
and about my favourite topic ...

    Wikisource collects newspaper articles...

English Wikisource has a significant collection:


One of our best quality articles was featured earlier this year:


Here is another article which is even higher quality, using our
proofreading system.


I *think* I have found a newspaper article over on Norwegian Wikisource:


It would be good if you encouraged Norwegian Wikipedians to archive
any public domain newspaper articles onto Wikisource so that the
Wikipedia readers can see the source as well.  The company providing
free access might not like wider dissemination, however you could
promote it by telling the company that their website will be cited as
a source.  We usually record this on the talk page:


You could also discuss with the newspaper archive company the
opportunity of Wikimedians performing transcription for them, cleaning
up their OCR.  Norwegian Wikisource doesnt yet have the proofreading
system set up, but that can be remedied quickly.  Here are the
statistics of adoption rates of this technology for the languages
which have installed it:


John V (jayvdb)

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