[Foundation-l] New Meta-Wiki logo - Approved?

David Levy lifeisunfair at gmail.com
Sun Sep 7 01:12:08 UTC 2008

Florence Devouard wrote:

> Hello,
> The Foundation is aware that the community logo was PD. It was
> done on purpose so that the community could use a logo without
> having to request authorization.
> As for the decision to switch meta from the Foundation logo to the
> community logo, I think I remember that the vote was announced on
> this list, so that the Foundation had the opportunity to jump in.

Thanks for the prompt reply!  I understand why the community logo is
PD, but I'm concerned about its suitability as an official project
logo.  The vote was announced on this list [
], but no mention of the fact that a PD image was under consideration
was made, so this easily could have been overlooked.  It certainly is
possible that policy has changed, but this definitely has been
disallowed in the past.  For example, the original Wikiversity logo
had to be replaced because the image was available under a free

Additionally, I recall User:Elian stating that official project logos
must receive approval from the public relations department, and I want
to make sure that this occurred.

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