[Foundation-l] About writing on this list and, some news

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 08:42:44 UTC 2008

In the thread started about the decline of mailing lists, it is written that
many people are blogging instead. I am one of those who does exactly this.
On one level I got frustrated about people stating that to much was written
and, that because of my frequent contributions I "should" reduce what I had
to say. For those who are interested in what people write on blogs, there
are ways of following this in a reader.

Some news.. news that is not only interesting to blog about ..

   - I have learned that Steve Slevinsky has started work on an extension
   that will enable SignWriting in a MediaWiki environment.. He has started a
   Wiki where he is show casing his progress.
   - I learned that Sourceforge gives the maintainers of a project the
   choice to have a MediaWiki environment. I think this is yet another great
   example of MediaWiki being used outside of the WMF.
   - On the Wikimedia Conferentie Nederland i will give a presentation about
   a Commons that supports search and categories in multiple languages. We have
   a proof of concept project at http://commons.i-iter.org/ We are looking
   for funding to make it ready for use at Commons. We do invite comments and
   particularly developers. We have run our of budget to work on this for the
   moment. The presentation will be available after the conference.


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