[Foundation-l] Analysis of lists statistics: community in decline

mikelifeguard at fastmail.fm mikelifeguard at fastmail.fm
Thu Oct 30 15:47:30 UTC 2008

>* Two [of analyzed] lists -- textbook-l and wikija-l -- show
>*increase* of traffic! It would be good to analyze why it is so. Maybe
>they have the answer to our problem: increasing of list traffic
>usually means that community is increasing. (Or they are just in the
>earlier phase, which means that they will show decrease of traffic
>during the next year or two.)

I would suggest that textbook-l traffic is up because we have had several
announcements lately, such as getting the Collection extension enabled last
week. In fact, the most voluminous threads over the past 6 months have been
on the subject of PDF generation, with one exception (a licensing issue).
I'm not sure what conclusions can be drawn from that additional information,
but I think the low level of traffic overall is probably relevant to an
accurate determination in that case.


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