[Foundation-l] We have the problem

Yaroslav M. Blanter putevod at mccme.ru
Mon Oct 27 16:28:06 UTC 2008

> - The last question related to the consequences is: Have we finished
> the job? Looking from the point of view of one historian from the
> future, I am sure that he would say that we did a great job and that
> we have our place in the history. But, do we think that we finished
> it? Are there some issues which we haven't done and we are able to do?
> While I have a long list of what do I think that we haven't done, this
> is not the question just for me, but to all of us.
> If the answer is that we have finished the most important part of the
> job, we may conclude that should keep Wikimedia projects and that we
> should start to work on other sides to achieve other goals. If the
> answer is not, then we should try to move things forward, out of the
> stagnation and possible decline.

No, we did not. If nothing else, look in what state the articles on
specialized issues are (in all Wikipedias). I still would like to see a
decent article in any language on for instance nanoelectromechanical
systems (NEMS) (I believe I contributed a bit to the field itself so that
I do not consider myself an appropriate editor to write such an article).


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