[Foundation-l] Designs and other fundraiser updates

Erik Moeller erik at wikimedia.org
Wed Oct 22 19:10:20 UTC 2008

2008/10/22 Bence Damokos <bdamokos at gmail.com>:
> While the new system comes online,  I'd suggest maintaining the current
> system as well, e.g. the "Public list of donors" link (
> http://donate.wikimedia.org/en/fundcore_browse) is currently broken, yet
> displayed on the current donation pages. It would be bad if the public
> donors names would not end up in any public database while the background
> work is going on switching.

Yes, absolutely. A new live donor reporting engine is currently being
worked on. The donation pages will be swapped out at launch and there
will be either a working link or no link. In the meantime, please send
any URLs of pages referring to the old broken engine my way, or remove
them yourself if it's an editable page. ;-)

Erik Möller
Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation

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