[Foundation-l] What's appropriate attribution?

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Tue Oct 21 00:37:15 UTC 2008

Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> Some moral rights implementations are potentially very harmful to free
> content as we know it: You wouldn't want to be forced to remove an
> improved version of a document simply because a sour original author
> has decided he dislikes you and that your enhancements are prejudicial
> to his reputation. But attribution is not an example of a problematic
> right, for the most part.
What appears to be a big distinction between moral rights laws in 
European countries and in English speaking countries is the burden of 
proving that a change is indeed prejudicial to one's reputation.  In a 
common law country the presumption of innocence implies that prejudice 
must be proved.


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